Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve

So its Christmas Eve and its not snowing. It would be nice if it was, but I look at Ida's pictures of -32 degrees and snow forever and I think - yes it is very pretty but also very very cold - so I'm good with not having the snow if it means I'm less cold - because it's still cold here.

My Mum and Dad rang from NZ, it was so lovely to hear their voices and I got to speak to my Uncle Ian (my dad's brother) and my Aunty Chris which was so nice - what a lovely treat for me! I'm really glad that my parents get to spend time with my Aunty and Uncle this Christmas. I think its been a long time since they have. I hope we all get to spend a Christmas together in the future! Maybe a hot Australian one with all my Petersen rellies.

I'm looking forward to Christmas tomorrow with my Aunty Tree, Uncle Lox and cousin Jazz. The tree is bearing up nicely and it is always so pretty with the presents underneath.

I bought some white rum to have with egg nog I've had to google how to drink it - I was going to try it warm but from what I can see on the internet - you should drink it cold.

Note - when did people start calling it the interweb? I have always called it the internet and suddenly I have started to hear it. I find it annoying. I don't know why I just do.

As I write this I am being very French, I am writing whilst drinking red wine - on a cold day and after two glasses (hearty glasses to be fair) my Asian side has kicked in and my face is rosy and warm. I would worry but then I think meh - its Christmas I've done a total of 3 plus hours of exercise today and I will sleep like a baby tonight.

Anyway I hope you all have had a super Christmas day, and have spent it with people you love. I love you all and I will update again soon xxxxx

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