Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree!

And no I'm not referring to my aunty being seasonal. We've purchased the tree and I have now finally finished the decorating of it.

As we are in a condo we have a smaller tree and it sits up on the table - you have to say what type of tree you want here - not like in NZ where you just get what is there.

This is our actual tree
Ours is a Fraser Fir - its quite cool actually the branches are really stiff and it almost looks too perfect to be real expect for the fact that it was balding a little around the top, but they all were - we bought some extra bits and pieces and I think it filled in quite well.

This is an Instagram piccie of the baubles. I'm really learning about Instagram it is actually a lot of fun - read good time waster when you are bored.

I've been slack with the gifts this year - I'm still getting around to them. This will be the first year in MANY years where I am in a house that doesn't do stockings so I don't have run around like a maniac thinking about little gifts for everyone- although I actually like doing stockings I just haven't been as rushed this year so its a nice change.

It's about -1 degree at the moment - it will be cold for Christmas but we won't get snow in Toronto, mores the pity. We have the week in-between and then we head to New York for a few days. I bought a lovely pair of black leather gloves in preparation - again it will be cold but not snowing. I couldn't find my own black gloves which were all packed up before I left NZ. There is a leather shop here called Danier and honestly if I could buy everything in there I would.

Today (18 December) we went to see the movie the Life of Pi. Gosh you know I had a few tears in my eyes in that movie. What a beautiful concept, and what an interesting point that the movie makes on religion.

I have to say that it is much sadder for me to think of animals dying than humans. I don't know why, my friend Jen reckons that it is because humans can speak for themselves. I think this is true but I think its because I think we are here to watch over animals and look after them.

I won't ruin the storyline for anyone who hasn't seen it yet - but if you do get a chance to see it in 3D then do it - there was a couple of scenes (I saw it in 2D) that would have been amazing in 3D.

The next movie I want to see is Parental Guidance - one of those Billy Chrystal movies. I suppose I should be heading off to the see The Hobbit , but I'm just not sure about that one. My father used to read me The Hobbit when I was younger in order to help me to go to sleep. I am just not sure if I want to change the memory of The Hobbit that I have in my mind with one I see on the screen. It was like when I saw the Narnia movies, after reading them endlessly as a child. The screen adaption, while amazing, just never quite compared to what I saw when I read the stories to myself in my own head.

I have two more weeks at my landlords place. It will be nice not lugging food to and from my aunty's place - as I am usually at my aunt's for lunch and dinner. I will be just across the hallway house sitting for Taro's mum as she is away in Indonesia.

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